How ?
….”By God’s Grace alone” !
By God’s Grace, these sessions will carry you through any crisis and facilitate the deep inner transformative process you are experiencing.
As the body/mind field is purified and harmonised to One’s True Nature, your highest expression is able to flow freely and the vibration in perfect attunement with Who You are may, by Grace, be the prevailing presence.
“Healing comes only from that which leads the patient beyond himself and beyond his entanglement with ego”
Carl Gustav Jung
Soon after our initial connection, information will start to come through Laurence for you. It will be revealed in the session alongside that which will come through the three divine tools available: bio-kinesiology, energetic music therapy and initiatic tarot/ Oumrazaï.
These are holistic and symbolic systems of representation of the body/mind field.

Symbolism is essential as it offers a multi-dimensional bridge between the visible and the invisible. This approach best addresses the continually changing flow you are.
Used and combined intuitively in a session, these tools allow awareness, observation and transcendence of what is at play and potentially at play within you, aiming at clear discernment of the sense of self you have been identifying with.
Not only do they act as mirrors, but also as energetic and vibratory doors to the holistic purification of the information field you experience in.
As mirrors of all mind’s conditioning patterns, they offer portals to the deconstruction of the false and to the expression of your highest potential.
Pain, dis~ease, discomfort and blockages on all planes are released whilst revealing the inner wisdom hidden in the traps, misunderstandings, memories and misidentification they were built upon.
“Love can transform everything”
Annick de Souzenelle
Energy flows freely again in all layers and harmony is restored on a higher level as mind comes back in tune with its one and only true “tuning fork” and healing field: The Self.
Endless gratitude for your loving trust and surrendering.