Unveiling the wisdom hidden in cell memory
As a soul, we take shape with information which will determine and impact the way Life’s flow will be experienced through the body/mind. We incarnate to transform the untrue and realise the natural Truth we are.
Part of this information is personal or transgenerational karma we come to integrate the wisdom of: this process implies spotting and naming the crystallised misunderstanding or traumatic experience – as well as the one who suffers it – so as to transform them both back into light itself.
This tool comes in support of this process.
What is Bio-kinesiology?
Bio-kinesiology is a method created by Corinne Dewolf which combines and simplifies different techniques such as total biology, ethology, genealogy and cell communication.
It bridges the gap between biology, psycho-genealogy and kinesiology.
It is a tool for exploration and self-knowledge, liberation and rebalancing.
Having defined the most appropriate inner transformative objective for the session, we let Consciousness reveal all the memories from this life, previous lives and up to 3 generations that are involved in this evolution process: their crystallisation in body cells act as an obstacle until they reveal their wisdom and are ready to be released.
By deprogramming the cell memories of the information that no longer serves you, body/mind can rebalance itself on a higher level and regain its vitality.

Etymologically, the term Bio-kinesiology is composed of three words :
Bio: the living, Kinesis: the movement and Logos: the Word.
In other words: the Word which sets life back in movement in You, or the Word which supports the free flow of Life.
Whatever dissonance you are experiencing, we explore the cell memories at play in search of the root cause of the blockage or illness.
This decoding will reveal the negative emotions and beliefs associated with the trauma(s) or past event(s) whose misinterpretation led to suffering. Once identified and spoken out, and as it reveals a wisdom which can now be heard and integrated, the memory crystallised in your body/mind field can now by Grace be dissolved.
As energy is released and flows freely, you move freely again, consciously, in tune with the flow of Life.
One focus : to give you back your full power and ability to discern, no matter how stressful the situation you encounter may be.

“Sickness is a defense against the Truth”
A course in miracles
How ?

By removing the emotional blockages, be they conscious or unconscious, having led to “ill~ness ” as a survival solution.
It is based on muscle testing, which allows a dialogue with the personal and genealogical (up to 3 generations) cellular memory of the subject.

This emotional decoding based on traditional Chinese medicine gives access to the root causes of the “ill~ness” and to all their biological and energetic resonances. Whether structural or emotional, these causes reveal the true meaning of “ill~ness” manifesting in your life.
As Michel Odoul quotes in his book “Tell me where it hurts and I’ll tell you why”, “The cries of the body are messages from the soul”.
Yes, and “hearing” them is the first door to relief and release.
Ill-being or “ill~ness” arise from conflicts between what one wants to do and what one can do, or put differently: between “my” will and His will.
These conflicts are both temporal (in relation to a past or a future) and spatial (the subject in relation to himself or in relation to others).
Energetic and emotional decoding helps to bring awareness to and identify the conflict. Then on, by Grace all negative charges associated with the memories are released. This is done by a range of corrections specific to Bio-kinesiology.
"A man is ill, but the illness is nature’s attempt to heal him."
Carl Gustav Jung
Quantum physics invites us today to consider the “living” – all forms of Life in the “manifested world” – as a combination of matter (elements),
vibrations, energy and light structured by information…
Bio-kinesiology’s approach consists in asking what information that no longer serves you is now ready to be released so that body/mind can rebalance itself on a higher level and regain its vitality.
Then Consciousness guides and operates all the necessary energetic and vibrational rebalancing so as to relaunch the body’s self-healing mechanisms.
This attunement is both gentle, intense and deep, fully respectful of the natural laws of Life.
It operates holistically, all at once on the structural, mental, emotional and spiritual levels.
As energy flows freely again, overall vitality is increasingly improving so that one can make the best use of his cerebral potential to face the challenges he is experiencing.
Gradually one with Truth, you may consciously and freely express Who you Are and realize your highest potential.
Bio-kinesiology and animals
During a session with animals (horses, dogs, cats, rabbits…), the kinesiologist uses the human owner as a transfer, (which acts as the intermediary between the animal and the practitioner) to perform the muscle test and thus have access to the memories of the animal’s body.
Some of Bio-kinesiology's positive outcomes
– Emotional pacification : anxiety, depression, mourning, sadness, anger…
– Overcoming of repetitive failure patterns
– Confidence and assertiveness
– Release of stress and phobias
– Clarity in decision making process
– Pacification of conflicts
– Improved concentration & learning ability
– Facilitating the resolution of “ill~ness”, aches and pains
– Facilitating the resolution of allergies, eczema…