A session’s unfolding...
In a very practical way, a session can take place in presence or via WhatsApp, Skype or by telephone… That doesn’t make any difference.
A session is a space devoted to the sacred alchemy of inner transformation: whatever comes up is revealing itself for you to recognize its nature as well as the one who suffers from it and to release the information related to it, whatever the layer(s) it is impacting and resonating in (spiritual, mental, emotional emotional, physical bodies).
A session is structured around three phases, but in truth unfolds very intuitively and uniquely.
1- Exposition of what you come to surrender: your quest, questions, intentions and what you are experiencing in the moment in its different manifested aspects : bodily pains and symptoms, dis~eases, emotional stress and disorders, inner conflicts and their outwardly manifested crisis etc …
“My word is a lamp to your feet ;
My Presence is a Light for your path”
Ephesians 5:15-16 NKJV; Psalm 119:105
Observing the experiences and encounters Life orchestrates and how you perceive them, clarity will be brought to the way experiencing is happening within you: as long as what is experienced or perceived is suffered, you need to recognize the nature of the identification pattern at play within you: all the thoughts, beliefs, judgments, presuppositions, constructions and emotions and the one they come for and you think you are… To recognize them gives you the choice to be free from them.
I will guide you to read the messages you are sending to yourself in the light of what you have come to integrate in this incarnation, your soul evolution path and journey of love.
2- Creation of chaos to deconstruct the false and bring back harmony at a higher level: calling of energies, vibrations and information to first facilitate the releasing of all blockages and dissonances and second, allow the deep integration of harmony on a higher level.
Three divine tools are available : most of the time, one of them is used as a major portal and the two other tools may come in complement intuitively.
A) Initiatic tarot and Oumrazaï: through the alchemical symbolism of ancient Tarot de Marseille, laying down in front of you your birth information field and your soul evolution path (calculated from your date of birth in kabbalistic numerology).
B) Bio-kinesiology: cellular deprogramming of any karmic limiting and dissonant information stored in this lifetime, in previous lives, as well as information inherited from the three generations above you still active in your birth information field.
According to the most appropriate inner transformative objective that will be defined in the moment, Consciousness will reveal whatever memory is ready to be released out of your body/mind field.
C) Energetic music therapy: In our incarnated form, our being explores and experiences different vibrations orchestrated in a unique vibratory design. Energetic music therapy will reveal your main vibration (called vibratory identity frequency) and the design of all the inter-related vibrations bearing resonances in your physical and subtle bodies.
“You gave me your mud and I turned it into gold”
Charles Baudelaire
3- Anchoring of the new harmony reached on a higher level and testing if any complementary information (ie sound elixirs, homeopathy, Bach flowers, Vitamins…) is needed in support of the unfolding process taking place in the weeks following the session.
The transformative process initiated during a session can remain active between 2 to 5 weeks.
Endless gratitude for your loving trust and surrendering.