A Gita of Silence
A Gita of Silence
Your sweet invitation My Love
To sit in My Presence
And rest as Peace
Attention going nowhere but to You, My Love
Love going nowhere but to its own Heart
From Silence
These words were seen
to be whispered…
As all furious and exalted waves
rise up before dying
in the Infinite Ocean of Love,
every~thing has to come back Home.
Om ~ the unperturbed Silence
that reveals the tempest
absorbs even the most mesmerizing siren’s chant.
What is there left to discriminate ?
Who is there left to judge ?
As the heart of the flower
irresistibly attracts the bee
which produces His nectar,
every action is taken effortlessly,
driven by Him
Om ~ the unmoving Silence
that gives life to all
will feed and sustain all
What is there left to do ?
Who is there left to brag ?
As the shower of Grace
waters equally the thorns and the rose,
every thorn eventually blossoms in a rose
before dying as the Sacred Lotus
It always IS.
Om ~ the unexpecting Silence
that orchestrates everything
Is Supreme Knowledge, Intelligence and Wisdom itself
What is there left to know?
Who is there left to teach ?
How sweet to honor Your invitation, My Love
To sit in My Presence
And rest as Peace
Attention going nowhere but to You, My Love
Love going nowhere but to its own Heart
By Your Grace
I see MySelf in every tear and in every smile
I hear MySelf in every cry and in every chant
I feel MySelf in every breath and in every touch
Like projected russian dolls,
We are all inside one another,
Prodigal sons exhausted
from attention wasted outwardly
returning Home to Father
I alone exist
Alone ~ allOne
All comes from You
All returns to You
Who is there to arrive
When I AM, alive
All I see IS,
Vibrant Emptyness
All I hear IS,
Pure Harmony of Silence
All I feel IS,
Peace of Being
All encompassing