What ?
As a soul, we take shape with information which will determine and impact the way Life’s flow will be experienced through the body/mind. We incarnate to transform the untrue and realise the natural Truth we are.
Part of this information is personal or transgenerational karma we come to integrate the wisdom of: this process implies spotting and naming the crystallised misunderstanding or traumatic experience – as well as the one who suffers it – so as to transform them both back into light itself.

A session will:
- purify your body/mind field, removing all the weeds from your inner soil, cutting them at the very root.
- rectify and redirect your focus whilst dispelling the dark lens of misunderstanding seemingly blinding your ability to see clearly.
How to describe the sacred alchemy of understanding combusting into spirit and becoming alive?
A unique transformational process is a play within you.
By pure Grace, these sessions will facilitate it with one focus: that the attraction to who you truly are becomes alive.
“Please remember, it is what you are that heals,
not what you know.”
Carl Gustav Jung
With clarity, breathing happens in a broader, vaster, freespace.
Freed from the deep causes of “distortions” and progressively “attuned” to its essential nature, the musical instrument that You Are now sings more and more in harmony with all living beings.
Free, it plays its most beautiful melody, the divine song it is inspired in every breath it takes.
“This body is like a music instrument :
what you hear depends on how you play “
Mâ Ananda Moyî
Body is a musical instrument created, animated, conducted, played, attuned and repaired by Divine Grace alone.
It is truly tailor-made for the human being it is lent to for a while, as is the music that God writes for every moment. In this way each of us learns how to be one with our instrument, as well as with all the instruments in the Cosmic Orchestra.
Only then can we play our own melody beautifully and freely in the symphonic harmony the conductor constantly guides us towards.
Until we realise Who the artist-conductor-musician truly is, there will be dissonances, the instrument will get out of tune, damaged or broken as one learns to play and listen deeply.

These sessions are an attunement of your instrument to the only true Artist that exists playing the unique melody you Are.
Endless gratitude for your loving trust and surrendering.