Laurence' s journey of Love
Who Am I?
Who am I? That is the question!! The ultimate essential question at the end of this beautiful journey of Love.
Laurence’s experience of life has been driven by the question of identity, inner truth and loving communication and interaction between beings.
What started as a quest of inner consistency, authenticity and peaceful communication evolved as a spiritual quest for Truth, freedom, harmony and oneness with Life.
Her heart is filled with gratitude as this quest and all its questions found their living and loving answer with Advaïta Vedanda’s Self inquiry under the guidance of Beloved Master Mooji.
Whatever dimension of transmission and communication is explored, the path is one of listening, deep understanding and integration of the Divine cosmic laws and their holistic alchemy so as to allow attunement to Heart.
In Soul Attunement sessions, Laurence is nothing and no-one but an intuitive space of listening, observing, surrendering and harmonising, a delivery room pregnant with aliveness, devoted to the divine alchemy of attunement to our inmost Being.
She serves as an instrument of attunement in the hands of God’s graceful attunement flow. Used as a deep inner transformation facilitator, she guides you through any crisis, lovingly serving as a healing voice and energy, a vibratory bridge and door towards your truest expression and the revelation of who you truly are.
One focus: to facilitate Life’s holistic transformational flow so as to free the way for Heart’s pure, spontaneous, peaceful and harmonious expression.
“The thought “WHO AM I” will destroy all other thoughts, and like the stick used for stirring the burning pyre, it will itself in the end get destroyed.”
Sri Ramana Maharshi
Soul Evolution Path: Experiences and Education
Prior to training in Biokinesiology, Energetic music therapy and Initiatic tarot/Oumrazaï, and offering soul attunement sessions, Laurence worked in multiple professions and fields.
She started as a translator, using her linguistic skills to bridge the gap between languages and cultures.
As a copywriter and project manager in communication and advertising, she honed her abilities to effectively convey messages and manage creative projects.
As a theatre actress and director, Laurence’s quest was to unravel the mystery of the human soul, to stage a living mirror that would broaden one’s vision of Life and awaken consciousnesses. She delved into the symbolic and metaphoric dimension of storytelling and was introduced to the capacity of witnessing whilst embodying different characters, thus tapping into the personal and collective transformative power of the performing arts.
Her teaching and animation roles enriched her understanding of evolutive and learning processes in beings.
She truly enjoys He_art expressing its creativity through poetry, singing and the alchemic use of voice’s healing vibrations.
The paradox of this pathless path: an exploration of communication and transmission which refines listening and leads to realising that only His vibrant Silent Presence is speaking and shining.
Now, Laurence feels blessed as Grace uses her as a healing voice and energy, a vibration: a voice guiding beings in their journey of love towards the realisation of the Self; a loving and healing vibration supporting whatever inner transformation process is at play in the attunement to one’s true essence.
How these tools transformed me
These divine tools came to me by grace at a major turning point in life : after years of tremendous suffering and disorders on all levels (stress, hypervigilance, body pains, imbalances and dis-eases, depression and isolation …), I was totally lost and stuck, unable to move on, fully in the survival mode of the victim I thought I was, under the control of numerous fears and of the manipulative or avoidance strategies put in place to survive…
A wreck falling apart on all sides, dead and self destroying herself !
Without the facilitation of these tools, I would never have realised how blessed and auspicious were these huge transformational crisis preparing and refining me for the blessed encounter with my Beloved Master Mooji, my Beloved Guruji !
They literally changed my life on every level, first by totally changing my perspective on life and all that had been experienced: everything suddenly made sense in a broader and wiser picture.
They reconnected me to the spiritual dimension of ourselves.
Deep holistic healing started.
As the information field that shapes me was purified of all the memories of traumas and their related misinterpretations, chronic and punctual pains disappeared, vital energy increased, making it possible to respond to the challenges that come to reveal our strengths and evolutionary potential.
Numerous re-connections started to happen together with the awakening of dormant healing and psychic capacities.
“Love loves to love - It is nothing personal”
With increased clarity of vision, I was back in movement, in harmony with Life’s natural flow.
I transitioned from being a victim to taking full responsibility for everything that I created, from self-pity to gratitude, from slavery to true service.
Each tool brought an increased wisdom and higher understanding of the Divine cosmic laws of creation, as well as a very precise picture of my body/mind instrument, its main vibration and qualities, its strengths and virtues as well as its potentials, weaknesses and the challenges that come as portals to evolution.
The awareness and recognition of the nature and resonances of everything that comes up brings the possibility to surrender both the conditionings / limitations and the one molested by them you identify with, heal holistically on all levels (mental, emotional, physical and spiritual), harmonise and evolve.
Without the alchemic inner transformation Grace orchestrated through these divine tools, I would never have had the openness to fully receive my Master’s teachings and blessings, to transition from person to Presence and experience Who we Truly Are.